Tamkang SoftCloud
使用者申請 User Registery
使用者帳號 User account:
密碼        Password  :
注意事項 Note:
1. 本系統僅提供在校教職員生申請使用。
2. 帳號:教職員為人員代號(6碼);學生請使用您的學號。
3. 密碼:系統預設密碼與淡江大學單一登入(SSO)相同。
1. The Softcloud is available to TKU students and faculty only.
2. User account: Employees login with her/his 6-digit ID number. Students login with their student
                 ID number.
3. Password: By default, it is the same as the one for your TKU SSO.